Spirit AeroSystems and Oak Ridge National Laboratory to co-develop advanced material solutions

 Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. has embarked on a strategic partnership with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Manufacturing Demonstration Facility, managed by the University of Tennessee Battelle, to spearhead advancements in hypersonic travel applications and the future of aircraft design. Expanding the horizons of their exploration, the research teams will delve into an array of processing methods to craft materials that can withstand the rigors of extreme heat and harsh environmental conditions. This ambitious agenda also encompasses the scaling up of a thermal protection system expressly designed for aerospace platforms.

This collaboration between Spirit AeroSystems and Oak Ridge National Laboratory will be dedicated to achieving scalable and efficient manufacturing of advanced materials tailored for deployment across commercial, defense, and space aerostructure sectors. Their concerted research endeavors will delve into pioneering high-temperature in-situ process monitoring techniques and predictive modeling capabilities. These tools will serve to evaluate the performance and certification of carbon and ceramic composites, as well as alloys manufactured through additive processes.

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