Aequs Special Economic Zone facilitates Latecoere to set up production facility in India

Aequs Special Economic Zone facilitates Latecoere to set up production facility in India:

Aequs Special Economic Zone facilitates Latecoere to set up production facility in India

21 June, 2018:  Aequs Special Economic Zone has expanded further by bringing Latécoère Groupe, an aircraft company based in Toulouse, France to launch its production facility in Belagavi, Karnataka. Aequs SEZ is a full-fledged aerospace ecosystem, hosting separate facilities for Machining, Surface Treatment, Assemblies, Fabrication Warehousing, etc., supporting the entire manufacturing process, thereby reducing time-to-market on projects.

The first production runs will start in an existing 1300 sq. m.unit in the third quarter of this year, pending construction of a new facility in Aequs special economic zone. The company is planning to construct a brand new 4000 sq. m.manufacturing facility within the SEZ to benefit from the existing aerospace ecosystem at Aequs.