Liebherr-Aerospace, a leading OEM in the aviation industry, has announced that it is supporting Airbus in its ambitious project to develop the world’s first hydrogen-powered commercial aircraft by 2035. As part of this collaboration, Liebherr-Aerospace is developing an air supply system for the fuel cell that is dedicated to the propulsion of Airbus’ hydrogen-powered demonstrator aircraft.

In the first phase of the project, Liebherr-Aerospace has successfully designed and delivered a functional air supply system demonstrator with a power of 1 MW, which is currently installed in Airbus’ testing facilities. In the second study phase, Liebherr-Aerospace is focusing on designing and qualifying a safety-of-flight air supply demonstrator, which can withstand the integration constraints in an operational environment close to the propulsion system. This demonstrator will support a flight test campaign that aims to demonstrate the performance of a fuel cell propulsion system under operational conditions by the middle of this decade.Read more stories...