Safran to support engines powering GDAT’s helicopter fleet

 Safran Helicopter Engines, during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to France, inked support-by-the-hour contracts with GDAT, a significant move witnessed by Safran CEO Olivier Andriès and GDAT Group Chairman Peter Jiang. These agreements cover the Makila engines powering GDAT’s Airbus H225 helicopters and the Arrano engines for GD Helicopter Finance’s (GDHF) H160 helicopters soon entering service, totaling 140 engines.

“We are particularly proud that a leading helicopter company like GDAT Group has placed its trust in us for the operational follow-up and MRO of its engines. GDAT Group has an ambitious fleet development strategy, and we’re going to support them with the best possible services for their success,” said Cédric Goubet, CEO, Safran Helicopter Engines.