Riyadh Air to innovate its cloud-based operations platform

 A contract to install an integrated operational suite from Lufthansa Systems, which includes the solutions Lido Flight 4D, NetLine/Ops ++, NetLine/Crew, and NetLine/HubControl, has been signed by Lufthansa Systems and Riyadh Air, a new national airline in Saudi Arabia. 

The operational suite operates with the maximum degree of dependability on the Global Aviation Cloud of Lufthansa Systems. The airline saves a significant amount of money because to Lido Flight 4D’s innovative technology, which also helps Riyadh Air maximise daily flight utilisation using NetLine/Ops ++, a next-generation operation control system. At the hub, NetLine/HubControl enables optimal passenger connection management and a fully digitalized turnaround. Additionally, the new web-based matching programme in NetLine/Crew will help Riyadh Air. 

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