Rolls-Royce successfully runs UltraFan technology demonstrator to maximum power

 Rolls-Royce celebrated the successful function of the UltraFan Technology Demonstrator at its maximum power at a UK facility in Derby. The examination took place to understand the 100% SAF usage. The success of this work is the result of years of hard work put upfront by the UK Government through the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI), Innovate UK, the EU’s Clean Sky programs, LuFo, and the State of Brandenburg in Germany.

The UltraFan is successfully examined this year for the first time and since then its power has been gradually increasing. The idea of an UltraFan Technology Demonstrator came into the public eye in 2014, no other company has produced a geared design in size compared to this as it is designed to that within 4,200 Rolls-Royce Civil large engines approximately as it contains an unmatchable geared design.

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