HSC appointed as Pratt

HSC appointed as Pratt:

21 November 2019: Pratt & Whitney has appointed Helicopter Services Company (HSC) in Moscow, Russia as a designated maintenance facility (DMF) for Kazan Ansat PW207K civil helicopter engine customers.

The customers in Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan will be supported by HSC.

HSC will provide engine maintenance training, line maintenance and mobile repair team (MRT) services. HSC will also keep an inventory of new spare parts from Pratt & Whitney for line maintenance to best support customers.

"Listening to the needs of our customers and bringing them the right solutions is of the utmost importance to Pratt & Whitney," said Satheeshkumar Kumarasingam, Vice President of Customer Service at Pratt & Whitney. "With the rapid growth of civil helicopters in Russia, we want to ensure our customers have more local and personalized service. Helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) is a growing priority in the region. This is one way we are supporting HEMS and other critical missions."