Embraer partners with companies

Embraer partners with companies:
Embraer partners with companies & research centres to fight COVID-19
27 March 2020: In their fight against COVID, Embraer has taken the path of technology and innovation. Embraer has decided to partner with companies and research centres in Brazil to combat COVID-19.

The actions, developed jointly with Embraer's supply chain, include

- Manufacture parts for ventilators & respiratory industry

- high-efficiency filtration systems for transforming regular hospital beds into intensive care beds

- high-efficient filters for absorbing air particles, already utilized in air conditioning systems on aircraft, the objective is to provide this solution to hospitals with immediate needs.

- And conducting studies for the development of simple, robust and portable respirators aimed at rapid implementation and availability.

This operation is in response to the emergency demand for this equipment in Brazil. A group of professionals is already leading the initiatives in support of a respirator factory, with a plan to start the production of parts next week.

Embraer, in cooperation with partner organizations, has already completed the technical and production capacity analysis required to meet the identified needs.

Embraer is also providing technical support for the development of biological air filter systems for air-quality control in partnership with the Albert Einstein Hospital, So Paulo, Brazil.

The global health care system is facing an unprecedented scenario, and Embraer plans to apply its capacity during this moment of global collaboration and demand for effective and short-term solutions.

Embraer will keep monitoring the situation to find ways to contribute by utilizing its expertise integrating complex systems for the benefit of the society in this worldwide cooperation to combat COVID-19.