JET MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS appoints Vytis Zalimas as their new CEO

JET MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS appoints Vytis Zalimas as their new CEO:
JET MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS appoints Vytis Zalimas as their new CEO
6 March 2020 - Vytis Zalimas has been appointed as the new CEO of Jet Maintenance Solutions (JET MS). Strong background in aviation, perfect change management skills and ability to develop people are the main reasons of Mr. Zalimas appointment.

"Over the years, I have gained valuable leadership and cultural experience, which proves that there are no limits to achieve even the most challenging goals. I have no doubt, that together with my new team, we will gain meaningful victories, which will strengthen JET MS' position in different markets and so will become the leading business aviation company in aircraft maintenance area", says V. Zalimas.

Previously, Vytis Zalimas was leading and transforming different Sales & Customer Care teams for more than 12 years at ICT, Banking and Aviation industries. For the past 5 years, he held the position of Head of Corporate Customers at Telia Company and Head of Contact Center at a major banking institution in Baltic Countries. He has also worked at several Avia Solutions Group companies.

Mr V. Zalimas will take office as CEO of Jet maintenance on March 9, 2020.