KLM UK Engineering, WestJet sign contract for line maintenance support

KLM UK Engineering, WestJet sign contract for line maintenance support:
KLM UK Engineering, WestJet sign contract for line maintenance support
4 June 2019: KLM UK Engineering has signed a line maintenance contract with Canadian Airlines, Westjet at Glasgow on their Boeing 737 fleet.

Alan Lawson, Line Maintenance Manager at KLM UK Engineering said, "We are delighted that WestJet has chosen KLM UK Engineering to fulfil this contract at Glasgow and we are looking forward to developing this working partnership further during the coming years."

Jason Munroe, Senior Category Manager in Strategic Procurement at WestJet said, "This is an exciting time for WestJet's network expansion and we are eager to enter into this new contract for line maintenance support from KLM UK Engineering to cover our Glasgow operations."