TAROM chooses ATR 72-600 to renew its regional fleet

TAROM chooses ATR 72-600 to renew its regional fleet:
TAROM chooses ATR 72-600 to renew its regional fleet
27 June 2019: TAROM will introduce nine new ATR 72-600 aircraft into its fleet. The ATR 72-600 will be leased from NAC. Deliveries will start from October 2019 through to 2020.

This upgrade will make sure that the airline has the latest generation of turboprops burning 40 per cent less fuel and emitting 40 per cent less CO2 than regional jets.

TAROM will receive extra 330,000 seats every year with the new ATRs year at the same operating cost as its previous seat level by improving short-haul connectivity in Romania and supporting the development of local and more remote communities. This will give TAROM with the possibility to further grow and consolidate their position in the market.